A recent Star Wars fan video has Jedi Master Yoda take on Darth Vader in an epic lightsaber fight. 1977 saw Star Wars explode into theaters, creating a craze that helped spawn a massive multimedia franchise featuring nine main films, three anthology films, and over a dozen television shows. The franchise continues today, with Obi-Wan Kenobi setting records on Disney+ and at least five new Star Wars television series on the way, including Andor, Ahsoka, and The Acolyte.


One of the more popular aspects of the science-fiction fantasy franchise is the use of the lightsaber. Introduced in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope as an elegant weapon from a more civilized age, each main film has used the laser sword in cinematic fashion. From Darth Vader taking on Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope to Yoda and Count Dooku's frenetic battle on Geonosis in Episode II – Attack of the Clones, to Rey and Kylo Ren's emotional duel in the forest on Starkiller Base in Episode VII – The Force Awakens. However, within all of those films, the franchise's most iconic villain, Darth Vader, did not cross blades with Star Wars' most diminutive Jedi, Master Yoda.

Related: Star Wars: How Old Obi-Wan & Darth Vader Are In ALL Lightsaber Duels

Until now, that is – in a recent fan video by Max Justh, Yoda takes on Darth Vader in an epic lightsaber battle. For their video, the editor primarily used footage from Obi-Wan Kenobi's fight with Darth Vader from the latest Star Wars series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and inserted Yoda from scenes in Attack of the Clones and Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Check out the thrilling duel below:

The fan edit expertly takes Yoda from the prequel films and drops him into the Obi-Wan Kenobi scene, accurately adjusting the character's appearance to match the dark tone of the new series. What's equally impressive is the editor's use of dialogue pulled from various films from the franchise to complete the scene, with both Force users taunting and verbally reacting to each other as the fight continues. The video is a stunning example of the creative ways many fans have appreciated the Star Wars franchise.

Over the years, many have debated the outcomes hypothetical matchups between Force users that never faced each other in lightsaber combat in any of the films. Since Yoda has only shown his hidden lightsaber skill sparingly, the Jedi Master has been at the center of many arguments regarding his power. As he is one of the oldest Jedi known, and one who is the most attuned with the Force, Yoda is arguably the strongest Jedi to have been featured in the Skywalker Saga. Although Darth Vader is a brutal and powerful villain in his own right, the result of a battle with Yoda would have likely resulted with the former-Jedi losing to his old master, due to Yoda's aptitude with the Force. As Star Wars has closed the door on the Skywalker Saga with Episode IX – Rise of Skywalker, chances of seeing Yoda face off against Darth Vader in a canonical battle are slim. However, audiences can still get their fix from fan edits such as this one.

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