Evolution – A Better Lifeform

Tribe Earth Book 3

Personal message from the author:
“Writing a book has always been on my bucket list and I have a real interest in science and science fiction. So, sci-fi was natural choice as a theme for my first book Tribe Earth. I enjoyed writing the book so much that I decided to continue the story of the interstellar space vessel, the JJ Grant. Mixed Species, is the result. I do hope you enjoy reading it.”
— Tony Saunders

Mixed Species, the third book in the Tribe Earth series, is a space adventure like no other. Space is a dangerous and inhospitable place, brimming with the unknown, the unimaginable and the terrifying. The captain and crew of the interstellar space vessel the JJ Grant, know that humanity is not alone – mankind shares the galaxy with intelligent species from other star systems.

Here danger lurks but so does friendship, knowledge and wonders beyond man’s imagination. Interaction between different species has consequences. Is there an ultimate lifeform? How will small and seemingly insignificant differences of gene sequences affect the crew of the JJ Grant? As danger threatens, the crew must be vigilant and resourceful if they are to survive.

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