
The Unfiltered Word

Julie Behrse (Contributor)

The first book in The Unfiltered Word series

Some of us believe we are saved and there is nothing new to discover or discuss. We attend church and tithe and transact within corporate Christianity as the surety of our once-saved-always-saved salvation. We may feel that re-examining our own spiritual condition is unnecessary. We may avoid the challenge of thinking for ourselves. However, there are some of us who are asking questions and searching for scriptural answers and taking our spiritual temperature to see if it’s lukewarm. In today’s changing and confusing world of sin-lies and choice, some Christians are asking if what they know about salvation is completely wrong. Could it be that corporate Christianity is now a cold religion of doctrines and mission statements, stale route and routine? For many, a personal relationship with Jesus is really a personal relationship with a pastor or priest or church members. Where is that burning relationship with God that will change the heart, change the mind, and change the entire direction of one’s life? This little book explores God’s ancient ways still contemporaneous for solving today’s problems and bringing us to salvation.

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