Undying Sway is Jenny M Mason’s first novel. The story follows Kara tracking down her lost family and her introduction to the mysterious and charming Alex. Kara is shown a whole new world and takes the reader on her journey. Between lucid dreaming and discovering who Alex really is, she faces many new experiences. Set in New York, Kara has never felt she belongs, that is until she receives an email. One she has been waiting for her whole life. This email opens up her past and she soon discovers that Alex can not only unlock her family history, but sweeps her off her feet and shows her new and magical possibilities.

From out of the blue Kara received an email from a website – someone was wanting to get in touch. Years before this, while she was at college, Kara had uploaded her DNA to a site, not many others had done it and nothing at all had come of it, until
now. Kara began to tremble. She could not believe her DNA had a match. Someone with her DNA wanted to meet her. She was giddy. Kara thought about her reply. Could she act cool about it? As if it was a pleasant surprise, or should she be honest
and be over the moon that a long-lost relative is finally within her reach?

Personal message from the author:
“I have been writing for years, but this is my first novel. I was inspired to begin this story, when I came across one of the characters online. It is the story of when Kara meets Alex and yet is quite different to other romance novels. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.”
— Jenny M. Mason


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