About the book

This book has a good story, maybe not Harlan Coben’s biggest work, but definitely has a unique feeling. The strength of this book is the concept with the author created the storylines. As a reader you need to give a lot of attention what happenes, where. We also liked the characters of this book, they are so relatable. 

Harlan Coben is a fantastic storyteller and, he has a refreshing voice among the contemporary authors. 


Adam Price has a lot to lose: a comfortable marriage to a beautiful woman, two wonderful sons, and all the trappings of the American Dream: a big house, a good job, a seemingly perfect life. Then he runs into the Stranger. When he learns a devastating secret about his wife, Corinne, he confronts her, and the mirage of perfection disappears as if it never existed at all. Soon Adam finds himself tangled in something far darker than even Corinnes deception, and realizes that if he doesnt make exactly the right moves, the conspiracy hes stumbled into will not only ruin livesit will end them.


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