While already part of the animated field in one franchise, The Boys star and self-proclaimed nerd Jack Quaid reveals he wants to be in both live-action Star Trek and Star Wars projects. In the years following his feature debut in 2012’s The Hunger Games, Quaid has become best known for his role as Hughie Campbell in The Boys. The series’ pilot saw Hughie showered in blood and guts after superhero A-Train accidentally killed his girlfriend, Robin—an event that prompted Quaid’s character to join Billy Butcher and the eponymous team of vigilantes in their attempt to expose Vought International and its abusive “Supes.”


In the three years since its premiere, The Boys has become one of Prime Video's biggest viewership draw. Its success has elevated the profiles of seemingly everyone involved, including Quaid—who has since scored roles in this year's Scream and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, as well as voice work in HBO Max/Cartoon Network’s My Adventures with Superman as the titular DC character and Star Trek: Lower Decks. Now that he’s joined the latter iconic sci-fi franchise, Quaid is already looking to a galaxy far, far away.

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Ahead of Star Trek: Lower Decks' season 3 premiere, Quaid talked to The Hollywood Reporter about being a part of The Boys, DC, and Star Trek universes. In addition to bringing his Lower Decks character into live-action via Strange New Worlds, the 30-year-old actor expressed his desire to join Disney/Lucasfilm’s blockbuster franchise. Read the full quote below:

I don’t know if anyone’s ever been in both — and I’ll probably be very much corrected by nerds — in both a Star Trek live-action project and a Star Wars live-action project, but I would like to be one of the first. The reason why I’m into sci-fi and fantasy comes from Star Wars. I would kill to be a droid or a Jedi or a Han Solo type, whatever. I could be a blade of grass in a field, I don’t care. I’d love to be in a Star Wars project, for sure. I never thought I’d be on a Star Trek show — period. That was a dream come true. So I don’t know. Maybe that could happen.

Boys season 2 whale scene Hughie boat

While actors including George Takei, Brent Spiner, and Ian Abercrombie have acquired roles across both franchises thanks to the animated sphere, only Deep Roy, Greg Grunberg, and Simon Pegg (the original inspiration for Hughie, who also stars in The Boys) have appeared in live-action Star Wars and Star Trek projects. As previously mentioned, Quaid will join the former group when his Star Trek: Lower Decks character enters live-action in a special crossover episode of Strange New Worlds. If his live-action Star Trek andStar Wars dream were to come true, he’d join his on-screen dad, Pegg, as one of the most beloved “nerd” actors in geek culture.

As the Star Wars franchise continues to expand on Disney+, there will be plenty of opportunities for Quaid to throw his hat into the ring. Though he might be too busy filming The Boys season 4 or playing a toxic-movie-fan-turned-killer in Scream, his proclivity for voice acting in projects like Star Trek: Lower Decks makes him primed to show up in animated Star Wars shows like The Bad Batch. If he’s never crowned a double champion in science fiction, he’s still been lucky enough to star in the kind of projects he’d watch, even if he wasn’t an actor, though if he keeps talking about it and makes headlines, Quaid could very well manifest a role in a galaxy far, far away.

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