
Adriane Hasselbein (Editor), Hector Sevilla Lujan (Contributor)

Kwen Phifer planned to spend the last few weeks of college chumming it up with the career counselor and winding down once finals were over but, unfortunately for him, those plans fail to come to fruition. He’s been approached by someone that explains how he had been chosen to halt an oncoming cataclysm. He lacks skill, experience, and grit. He has to acquire these, in short order, to rise to the challenge and complete his task: To face an unknown foe that seeks to bring about the rebirth of forgotten time.

Message from the author:
“I created this piece in hopes of opening the minds of its readers to the idea that although we are the protagonists of our stories, every encounter we have with other people adds to the cast and affects the course of our journies.”
— Bryan D Covington


Read online Between Magic and Dreams by Bryan D Covington

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