Top Life-Changing Christian Books – Books for Self-Realization and Achieving Your Goals

Self help, self achievement, life changing, you name it. To me, it’s all about managing to change your mindset and adjusting your life in such a manner that you come out on top. Exactly! To some of us, it may look like an easy job. To others, well, they just don’t know better.

No matter how easy it may seem, the truth is changing your life won’t happen overnight. You need to train your mindset and adjust it gradually. You need, if I may say so, a few positive shocks to make that drastic change you’re craving for.

There are quite a few things that will work, but to me, it’s all about life-changing Christian books. Why? Simple. Unlike courses or seminaries, you can change your life at your own pace. You don’t want to be rushed. Instead, you want to take your time, process the information slowly and make changes later.

With these changes in mind, let me introduce you to some of the best life-changing Christian books I’ve been through lately.

What Are the Top Life-Changing Christian Books?

The Elder Son, by Mike Verdin (2021)

This book has a few connections with the Bible and aims to identify some traits in successful Christians who win at life. I know, it’s not the author’s official purpose, but as you go through it, you’ll realize most of it revolves around a few traits that can change lives.

I know, when I say traits, you’re thinking about good things. Well, not really, this book identifies negative traits that we need to get rid of.

The author aims to establish a connection between successful Christians in today’s society and the big brother of the prodigal son. Basically, this is the elder son of Luke 15. It’s like a model for many of today’s people and being able to make this association will help people make the desired changes in their lives.

The book addresses pride, a common issue today, which goes against humility. Pride is one of the main reasons wherefore many Christians fail to reach their goals in life. They fail to receive God’s wisdom and they obviously fail at adjusting their lives accordingly.

The limelight is another issue. People naturally lose their Christianity when they’re exposed to this limelight.

The lack of motivation is not to be overlooked either, a problem we all deal with every now and then, some of us more often than others. At the end of the day, the book concludes with the necessity to chase dreams.

Chasing dreams is what gets the best out of you. When you catch a dream, your life will reset and you’ll start all over again, but this time stronger.

The Message of Job, by David J. Atkinson (2022)

There are quite a few life-changing Christian books on the same topic, but this one is probably the best you’ll read. It’s a comprehensive study that starts with Job’s story. The author aims to help us understand that Job’s story can actually represent your human situation.

Although there’s plenty of suffering in the story, the challenge will give you comfort when you think about God being right next to you. It’s about reassurance and the idea that everything happens for a reason. At the end of the day, you’ll be on top of everything anyway.

Now, Job’s story goes in more directions and relates to the interactions we have on a daily basis. We have friends who try their best, but they often do things incorrectly. We deal with suffering and deception, not to mention lies. It’s a puzzle, indeed, but all these things somehow relate to losing faith.

The book analyzes some of the aspects in the Bible and tries to adjust them to reflect today’s society. While this is one of the oldest books in the world, it’s still extremely relevant today. If you’ve ever struggled to understand it, this is your opportunity to do so.

Keep in mind that there are quite a few editions of this book. I recommend the revised one, which is more relevant than others. It brings in a plethora of modern references and adapts the Bible’s text to life as we know it.

An Identity to Die For, by Paul Mallard (2022)

Who are you? What’s the purpose of your life? Why are you here? Here are a few questions many people overlook, while others keep thinking about. There has got to be a reason for your life, rather than paying bills and waiting to die, right?

Paul Mallard brings in some concepts from the Bible and explains them based on their relevance for today’s society. I know, every author’s trying to do the same thing, but this is one of those life-changing Christian books that actually work.

You won’t necessarily learn more about the Bible, but you’ll learn how to look at things in order to identify yourself as a human being. Or better said, as a Christian. You’ll learn more about your relationship with God, but also your relationship with those around you, whether your family or work mates.

There are explanations in this book that I’ve managed to find myself in. Then, there are others that may not necessarily make sense because you can’t relate to them. It’s perfectly normal, after all, we’re all different.

But to make things a bit clear, the author also discusses elements related to his family. Take his grandson, Abe, who was born with a severe disability. However, he’s a loving person with incredible dignity.

This book doesn’t just offer reassurance, but it will also give you more confidence as a Christian. It will move your heart and answer some existential questions that you may not even think about, definitely a must read.

When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend, by Mark Meynell (2018)

This is one of those life-changing Christian books that go in a few different directions. It’s a book about finding yourself, identifying your goals and even battling negative thoughts associated with depression.

Mark Meynell has done something a bit different. He has written a book for those who can’t imagine words. It’s a book for those who feel things, but they can’t describe them accordingly. It’s the type of book you read when you feel down. It will lift your mood and help you reset your goals straight away.

Everything is explained with detailed happenings from the author’s past. You’ll relive quite a few moments, but you’ll also discover psalms and sayings that apply in today’s world today, more relevant than ever.

If you’re after a motivational book, this isn’t one. It may feel a bit down at times. But then, it depends on how you see it. The author takes advantage of his raw suffering and exposes everything with crystal clear honesty, hoping to help others.

I find it difficult to describe in words, but you’ll know exactly what I mean if you decide to read it.

Distorted Images of Self, by Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan (2013)

Let me take you through a little exercise. How do you feel about yourself? What makes you happy and what makes you upset about yourself? Write everything down. If you look at all these things and try to see the bigger image, you’ll realize they affect everything about yourself.

Your peace of mind, your creativity, your relationships with others, everything! Including your relationship with God.

This isn’t a motivational book, but the type of book that will help you understand the Bible through a detailed and straightforward guide. In the long run, you’ll get some hidden tips and advice, everything to help you change the way you look at yourself.

The biblical content will obviously raise a few provoking questions too, but that’s part of the game. It will change your mindset and improve your self image, only to give you some better results from your decisions. What else can you ask for?

L Is for Lifestyle, by Ruth Valero (2019)

All the technology and distractions we’re exposed to make our life harder. Imagine life 100 years ago, it was so much simpler, right? Now, let me ask you, how can you live in a more responsible manner?

The author exposes and analyzes some of the threats we’re exposed to on a daily basis, as well as some of the threats to our planet. You’ll see things that you’ve always ignored and you’ll know exactly what kind of small changes you need to make in order to improve everything.

This is one of those life-changing Christian books that will give you a simple and fair secret of life.

Think about your daily routine on a normal work day. Everything you do from the moment you wake up until you get to work. Countless decisions! From breakfast and the route you’ll take to work to the shower and clothes you wear.

We never pay attention to these things, but this book will reveal how some simple decisions will change everything. It’s an honest book, written from a personal point of view. It’s inspired from the author’s journey and exposes things that we all experience in one way or another.

Catching Contentment, by Liz Carter (2019)

We all feel angry with life at times, when things don’t work out or our goals seem too far away. The author has been through the same hard issues. Dealing with a lung disease, bullying and a job loss, she could probably have plenty to complain about.

But contentment is not all about crying out loud. How’s that going to help you? Instead, she has managed to find a way to explore contentment and get the most out of it. She believes we all have to deal with it at some point or another, but it’s up to us how we accept it.

This is a Christian book that will send a clear message to anyone. It makes no difference if you’re facing an injustice, you’re a lifelong sufferer or life seems to be against you.

Find out how to be uplifted and what kind of changes you need to make to thrive again. And believe it or not, it’s mainly about faith and your mindset.

While it may sound like a cliché, this is one of those life-changing Christian books that will give you a new perspective on life.

Dying Well, by John Wyatt (2018)

Based on the title, you probably imagine this is one of those books for elders. Well, not really, it applies to everyone. After all, death is one of the few things in life that we’re all 100% sure of.

The author has written this book for those who are actually close to death, but I think everyone can learn something out of it. It’s for people suffering, as well as their friends and relatives. We’ll all experience a loved one’s death at some point, so it’s always good to be prepared.

Now, the problem is we can’t really plan our own death. However, we can plan how we die and we can do it the right way.

John Wyatt explores dying trends or better said, the so-called art of dying. It’s a Christian concept that’s been around forever, despite being overlooked. People try to die well and leave healed relationships behind. It doesn’t always work, because there are lots of challenges too.

There are all sorts of fears, as well as temptations. This book will teach us how to cope with death in a positive manner and gain nothing but positivity out of it. We can’t avoid it and there’s nothing we can do about it. At least we can try to make it feel better, right?

Based on some biblical teachings, the book will lead us to a steadfast hope, as well as the idea of resurrection and how death can affect us.

Final words

These are some of the best life-changing Christian books I’ve been through over the past few years. Most of them will give you a different approach on life and can help you gain as much as possible out of it, while others will teach you how to overcome your lows like never before.​

Check out also our selection of Christian Spiritual Books.

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