This morning, Emerald Expositions announced some major changes happening to PhotoPlus, which last took place in 2019. Gone is the large expo floor full of vendors. In its place? A personalized experience with ambassadors and brands that can help elevate your photography.

I had the chance to sit down with Joe Kowalsky, show director, in advance of the announcement. The conference, scheduled from Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2022, will take place at the Duggal Greenhouse in Brooklyn, NY. And while a traditional expo floor will still be a part of the experience, image-making is where it’s at this time around.

“As times change, something that we’ve noticed more and more is there’s a need for connection and community with PhotoPlus,” said Kowalsky. “What we’ve seen in the past years before the COVID shutdowns, the one thing we’ve always seen that would go gangbusters and sell out is photowalk opportunities. Opportunities to actually go out there and create; opportunities to be in an intimate group setting versus sitting in a seminar class and listening.

“What we’ve really seen from our audience and from our kind of creator is the emphasis for more of that hands-on. We believe that takes a more intimate group setting.”

Introducing Create NYC, powered by PhotoPlus

With Create NYC, Kowalsky is hoping to lead the charge in building community in the photo industry and putting an emphasis on experiences.

“Create NYC, powered by PhotoPlus, is going to be a brand that puts an emphasis on creativity. And being that hub of imaging culture, being a celebration for everyone that wants to create, wants to be a part of that, has been affected by work that’s been put out by these creators.”

The days of large booth spaces at PhotoPlus are gone, and in its place is a hybrid event that blends creative, intimate experiences with smaller booths.

While there will be an expo floor, booth sizes will be smaller. And not every brand has to have a booth to partake — they can choose to just engage with the community and offer creator experiences.

“It’s no longer the free tire kicker expo where everyone can walk on through and pick up the gear. We have amazing partners where you can go into their stores and do just that. For us, when you’re getting gear at our show when you’re taking a look when you’re putting it in your hands … you’re hopefully going on a walk with their creators.

“Any company that’s looking to connect with the creative community, this is the event for them. We’ve changed the event setup entirely where you don’t necessarily have to be exhibiting to be a sponsor of the event anymore. You can work with us to drive experiences and do all kinds of different things. I think [booth space] is a necessary component for complete event success. It’s essential. But there’s another component to that, and that has to be the experience component. That’s such a stronger investment of your dollars, your time, the attendees’ time.”

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Because of the planned changes, the attendance numbers will be smaller than previous PhotoPlus expos, with Kowalsky expecting around 4,000 people total, spread out throughout the three days.

“We’re trying to be an intimate experience for 4,000 people. All the tickets are going to include opportunities to go out and have these kinds of creator walks, with people you’ll be able to choose from. I think we’re looking at over 420 creator experiences that we’ll need to create over the course of three days. We’ll still have some of that seminar stuff, but it’s all going to be on our event floor with the vendors.”

Registration for Create NYC, powered by PhotoPlus, opens June 13, 2022.

Going behind the curtain of planning for Create NYC

For Kowalsky, changing the dynamics of PhotoPlus was an important element in making the show a success. First and foremost, it was all about listening to past attendees of PhotoPlus and Emerald’s other photography-oriented trade shows.

“Based on a lot of what we’re seeing [from our audiences], in addition to what you see on social media from a lot of these creators and how they’re creating and what they’re engaging with, it’s not the one photo being put up by me of an event floor of someone holding a camera. It’s someone out and about doing it, someone out on a waterfront showing you every aspect of what they did that day and how you can do that. And that’s what we want to be for people.”

In preparation for the big change, Kowalsky entered to receive the Next Generation Leadership grant, organized by UFI — The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. He was one of six entrants chosen.

“I’m a huge proponent of community, and that’s pretty much what we’re doing here. I submitted an entry and it was all based on what [Emerald] is looking to do to help other event organizers identify what the talent narrative needs to be for our industry, to spur the kind of growth and innovation that we need to see. We have to just stop talking about ourselves as a trade show and events organization. We are community builders, we’re experts in our craft and we know how to bring people together.”

Looking ahead to the future, Kowalsky expects PhotoPlus to grow, and possibly have a presence outside of just New York.

“Hopefully two years from now, this is something that’s bigger and better. I’m also hoping it’s something we can take on the road.”

Registration for Create NYC, powered by PhotoPlus, opens June 13, 2022. For more information, visit

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Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

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