My dad would have been 100 years old and my mom 95 this year. Dad is gone 12 years and mom 15. I miss them. My mom was always averse to having photos made. Twenty years ago I pushed for a quick session on the beach where I spent my summers.

Parent portraits

Yes, you will often get blow-back when asking to make pictures/portraits of some family members. Give them a gentle shove and you will be glad you did.

While visiting my family’s ‘summer shack’ on the Delaware Bay in southern New Jersey, I pushed past the resistance and did a little informal photoshoot with my parents. Those would be the last images I was able to get of my mom as she battled cancer and radiation treatment after that.

Be casual

A few frames from a quick beach portrait session with my mom and dad.

I wanted relaxed, comfortable poses, so I added some action. I had them walk down the beach, and walk back. I directed them to sit and have a cuddle. As my dad was a dancing fool, I had them do a little of that on the beach. Giving your subjects something to do then be a fly on the wall.

Once they were in any position I wished to capture I tweaked the pose just a touch. Too much direction can bring back the wooden smiles and self consciousness that are part of what brings on the expressions of, “I hate the way I look in pictures!”

Better photos with new software

straight out of camera portrait from 2001
Straight out of camera capture of mom and dad.

This quick take portrait session was captured with JPEGs over 20 years ago. With the help of Photoshop and Luminar software, the portraits of my folks were brought back to life.

Overall color and density was done using Adobe Camera Raw as a filter. I used Luminar 4’s portrait section to quickly do my facial retouching. I enhanced and opened their eyes, and lightened the bags under their eyes. I whitened their teeth. All were a accomplished with a couple button pushes. Years ago this would have taken me about 10 times as long to complete.


Final photo after some quick retouching using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw and Luminar 4.

My siblings were very happy I was able to capture these moments. Once I shared the photos, even my mom was pleased with the images. That’s a win-win.

Each time I come across these photos memories come flooding back. Good times! Don’t let yours get away from you. Share your favorite moment of freezing time with parent portraits below.

Yours in Creative Photography, Bob

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