This year, many photographers won’t be able to head to the countryside to shoot gorgeous winter landscapes. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t hit the streets to document the beauty of cities blanketed in snow. It will definitely be challenging to take photos while trying not to freeze out there. But with some street photography tips from Chicago-based Pierre Lambert in the video above, we can definitely make the most out of the experience!

Once you’re done watching, you can also take a look at our notes and quick summary of his tips below.

Use longer focal lengths

For starters, Lambert recommends using longer focal lengths like 85mm and 135mm in addition to wide-angle lenses. These, he said, will allow you to compress all the layers of snow into your shot. It will also allow you to get tight and detailed shots of snowy roads, buildings and streets from a top-view perspective. That should add a variety to your winter street photos!

Look for a great vantage point

If you can, find a nice spot on building roof decks, bridges and elevated walkways where you can get a good view of all the activity happening in your chosen location. This will allow you to create a good picture of a city blanketed in snow. If you have lenses with longer focal lengths, you can also narrow down the scenes you want to capture from a good vantage point.

Shoot fun self-portraits

On one of these vantage points, Lambert was able to find a great spot for shooting a few self-portraits. Since he was alone on that spot, he was able to get fun shots of him having fun in the snow, with Chicago’s skyscrapers as the backdrop. See if you can find similar spots in your location, where you can interact with the surroundings while also showing the beauty of the city’s stunning skyline.

Experiment and keep shooting!

Sometimes, your plan for a winter street photography shoot just doesn’t pan out. The conditions or scenes may turn out less than ideal from your expectations. But don’t feel pressured to get amazing or portfolio-quality shots from the get go. Instead, you can improvise, experiment and keep shooting so you can keep learning. Mix and match some of your tried and tested techniques. Switch focal lengths if the shots call for it. Try shooting from different angles. Add some street portraits. It’s all up to you!

Of course, make sure to keep safe and warm, and take all necessary precautions since the pandemic is still lurking out there.

Don’t forget to check out Pierre Lambert’s YouTube channel for more of his street photography tips and tricks.

Screenshot images from the video

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