
Edited by Kay Solo

From the Author:
“The book is a true story based on organ trafficking. The whole takes place in an island, in Africa. People get kidnapped for their organs, adults, teenagers and kids. The situation is getting worse because the police is corrupted, and some government’s key officials are part of those crimes. Nowhere to go. All the borders are closed.

I wrote this book to make people aware of organ trafficking that is silently being practiced by some secret organizations worldwide. Missing children and adults…”
— Guy Patrick Angono Allogho

Richard Akizagayang’s life is turned upside down when the villagers of his hometown of Touloungou set fire to his parents’ house and chase him away. Fearing for his life, he flees to the town of Avilla, where he is promptly kidnapped and nearly killed for his organs by a powerful secret organization known as The Invincibles.


Read online The Bait Of Death by Guy Patrick Angono Allogho

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