Blocks are an integral toy in most of our childhoods, but who said we have to stop experimenting and creating with them once we’re grown? Deco Atelier gives us permission to keep using our imaginations with their Innocent and Deku blocks. Differing in shapes and colors, both collections invite us to go back to making satisfying stacks and nonsensical forms. Deco Atelier also shows how you can group blocks together using colorful masking tape to take your designs to the next level. Play is worth our time and efforts, in this case giving us the opportunity to flex our creative intuition and experiment with the laws of physics with no end goal in mind. If we’re lucky, the results might lead to something bigger, such as a product. But no pressure, we’re just here for the pure joy of the blocks!

various wooden blocks on grey background

wooden blocks with masking tape on grey background

wooden blocks with masking tape on grey background

wooden blocks with masking tape on grey background

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape with human for scale

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape with human for scale

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structures made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structure made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structures made with blocks and masking tape

wooden structures made with blocks and masking tape

To learn more about Innocent and Deku Blocks, visit

Kelly Beall is senior editor at Design Milk. The Pittsburgh-based graphic designer and writer has had a deep love of art and design for as long as she can remember, and enjoys sharing her finds with others. When undistracted by great art and design, she can be found making a mess in the kitchen, consuming as much information as possible, or on the couch with her three pets. Find her @designcrush on social.

You can follow Kelly Beall on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Read all of Kelly Beall’s posts.

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