Crystal Ball Persuasion by Lesley Fletcher
Changing Lives Changing Destiny A personal message from the author: There comes a time in life, as many experiences have gathered. Those who have reached this stage will understand and…
Changing Lives Changing Destiny A personal message from the author: There comes a time in life, as many experiences have gathered. Those who have reached this stage will understand and…
Photographing a crystal cube within a crystal cube has some challenges. This article shows some of those and the final results
The Immortals Chronicle Book 1, Part One & Two A school of Knighthood, Wizardry, and Ranger. A contest for the succession to an empty throne. Star-crossed lovers bound by destiny…
In this humorous fantasy YA adventure, a young womanizer is taught a lesson and learns to treat women with respect. A personal message from the author: I wrote this book…